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Previously On. Runs along the left side of the page interspersed with downsized panels from the previous issue where/if space permits.

            Dimitri Sokolov makes bad decisions. Fleeing from a failed drug deal he encountered the Shadowmancer, a sorcerer capable of manipulating the essence of shadows and drawing knowledge from the shadows. In a fit of desperation, Dimitri grabbed a mysterious ritual knife and buried it into the old warlock’s heart. The blow let off an explosion of magical energy and left Dimitri baring the mantle of the Shadowmancer.

            Since gaining his powers Dimitri has been hunted by gangsters who blamed him for the police interrupting their drug deal. After seeing his abilities, they hired a fire mage to kill him, but even that was not enough. Their final battle occurred during a complete eclipse of the sun and resulted in a slaughter.

            Since then, Dimitri has escaped with a bag filled with stolen cash. He’s laid low, but it seems as though the skinheads who had been harassing him have finally back off. However, outside of Portland, on the eastern end of the state, someone has been planning their revenge….

Character Bios. Runs along the right side of the page and each section is matched with a close up of the character’s face. An image of Dimitri in his shadow armor is used for anonymous and posed so that it appears as a mirrored figure compared to the normal image of Dimitri.

1. DIMITRI SOKOLOV:       Dimitri is a graduate student of English literature at Portland State University. He’s the child of a family of Russian immigrants and gangsters originally from the east coast. After his mother died in childbirth, his father let Dimitri be raised by his Uncle Vlad, who installed the boy with a strong Mafiosi sense of honor.

2. ANONYMOUS:                Since becoming the next Shadowmancer, Dimitri has been haunted by a mysterious voice which taunts him and offers him cryptic advice. What this creature is and what it truly wants are currently unknown.

3. NIKKI BARNES:              Nikki is an undergraduate at PSU. Originally from Seattle, she came to Oregon to attend college. She and Dimitri had a close relationship, but recently they have become separated as a result of her painkiller addiction and discovery of his powers as the Shadowmancer.

4. DAVID HUGHES:            David is a graphic artist who lives next door to Dimitri and Nikki. They were only generally acquainted until recently, when Dimitri confided in him that he had begun to hear voices. He has a soft-heart for charity cases.

5. JAMES STALLWORTH:  James is a detective in the Portland Police Bureau. A lifelong resident of the city, he joined the force out of a genuine (some might say naive) desire to protect his community. He frequently has hunches which help him close cases, the result of latent psychic abilities.

6. PIERRE JEAN-PAUL:      Pierre holds a Doctorate of Pharmacy from Xavier University of Louisiana, and is an expert practitioner traditional African mysticism as well as New Orleans Voodoo. He takes his responsibility for the physical and spiritual wellbeing of his patients very seriously.

7. JEFF KLINE:                     Jeff is a disgraced soldier with a dishonorable discharge. After leaving the military, he became an enforcer for a drug dealing business run by his childhood friend. His previous battles with Dimitri have left him crippled, but still alive.

8. ALEXIUS KOMNENOS:  Alexius is Dimitri’s ancestor. He was a prince in medieval Constantinople before being disinherited as a result of a political feud. He became a thief and then later a Shadowmancer. Since his death, his soul has been trapped in the Dark Place.

PAGE ONE (four panels)

Panel 1. A close up of a picture on a smart phone. The picture shows the BOSS who is smirking with an arm around JESS who is looking slightly embarrassed and another arm around the BROTHER. The BROTHER looks similar to the BOSS, they are related, but the BROTHER is taller and much more athletic. Also, while the other two are well dressed the BROTHER wears tan khakis with a white tank-top. His body is also covered with prison tattoos from the Aryan Brotherhood.

Panel 2. The BROTHER is sitting in a dark room bedroom. He sitting on the edge of the bed and holding the phone staring down at the picture. The room is wood paneled and besides the cot is outfitted like a military commander’s office with maps on the wall and a computer desk facing the door.

1. BROTHER:                        They’re going to pay.

Panel 3. A shot from inside the room through a window. The BROTHER has stood up and is looking out the window past the viewer.

2. BROTHER:                        I swear…

3. BROTHER:                        I’m going to find who killed you…

Panel 4. A shot from behind the BROTHER as he looks out the window and the stark desolation of the high desert in Eastern Oregon. Outside the morning sun is rising. Near the building a few militiamen recruits are running drills and in the far distance a barbed wire fence can be seen surrounding the compound.

4. BROTHER:                        And I’m going to make them pay.    

PAGE TWO (five panels)

Panel 1. The BROTHER, still standing in front of the window, turns his head towards the door into the room.

1. FX:                                      Knock knock.

2. BROTHER:                        I’m ready.

Panel 2. The door opens and the BROTHER leaves the office and walks out into a group of survivalist militiamen who are waiting outside in a meeting hall.

3. BROTHER:                        I suppose you’ve heard by now that our brother Christopher who oversaw our operations in the city is dead.

4. BROTHER:                        This is especially hard for me to say because he was my brother not only in arms but also by blood

Panel 3. A close up of the BROTHER’s face. He is outraged.

5. BROTHER:                        -but he was a failure           

Panel 4. The BROTHER stands up in front of a podium continuing to address his men who are all listening intently.

6. BROTHER:                        Our brothers in Portland lost their way long ago, more interested in making money, than in fighting for the cause.

Panel 5. The BROTHER slams his hand down on the podium and his men are also getting agitated. The BROTHER is gesturing at a screen behind him.

7. BROTHER:                        We saw it and we ignored it and this is the result.

PAGE THREE (six panels)

Panel 1. A close up of the screen set up on the wall next to the podium the BROTHER is speaking from. It shows an image a newspaper webpage, the picture shows the destruction at the BOSS’ mansion with bodies lying everywhere.

1. BROTHER (OFF):             Our brothers cast down and torn apart by our enemies and our organization exposed to the police!

Panel 2. Another view of more pictures showing the aftermath of all the destruction caused inside the mansion.

2. BROTHER (OFF):             This has gone on long enough! We’ve been waiting out here in the desert too long!

Panel 3. A close up of the BROTHER who is still slamming his fist on the podium and ranting intensely at his followers.

3. BROTHER:                        We will impose order on our brothers who have failed us! We will find those responsible for spilling the blood of our family!

Panel 4. All the survivalists salute the BROTHER and yell out their support in unison.

4. BROTHER:                        Arm yourselves brothers; it’s time to go hunting!

5. SUVIVALISTS:                 YES!              

Panel 5. The BROTHER has stepped aside with JARED, a young man with a shaved head, bomber jacket, combat fatigues and jackboots but no tattoos. The survivalists are all passing around M9 handguns and AR-15 assault rifles, taking them from weapons racks off the wall.                        

6. JARED:                              Captain, I ask for the honor of leading this crusade.

7. BROTHER:                        This is my brother’s failure and I must make it right. You’ll stay here and oversee the compound. I give you complete command in my absence.

Panel 6. The BROTHER and JARED are talking with one another. JARED looks surprised but the BROTHER is looking off into the distance just past the viewer and appears determined.

8. JARED:                              You intend to lead the platoon to Portland personally?

9. BROTHER:                        Yes. And I promise you that den of iniquity will never be the same.

PAGE FOUR (five panels)

Panel 1. DIMITRI is riding the train in Portland; he has a backpack with him. He is standing next to an attractive middle-aged woman who is loaded with shopping bags, she’s smiling at him.

1. WOMAN:                           Well I’ve got to take advantage of the month or two it stops raining don’t I?

2. DIMITRI:                           Yeah, it’s a nice day for it.

3. ANONYMOUS:                Exchanging platitudes with this ageing whore is beneath us.

Panel 2. An exterior view of the train as it travels through downtown. The sun is shining brightly outside.

4. WOMAN (OFF):                What are you out for today?

5. DIMITRI (OFF):                Meeting up with a friend.

6. ANONYMOUS:                If you want her body then take it. You’ll fuck her, and when you’re finished, Nichole will still be gone.

Panel 3. A close up of DIMITRI’s face. He’s frustrated by ANONYMOUS’ constant pestering.

7. NARRATION:                   And you won’t let me forget it, will you?

8 ANONYMOUS:                 Your feelings for her weaken you. You will be reminded of this until you accept it and scorch them from your heart.

Panel 4. A wider shot of DIMITRI and the WOMAN who looks at him concerned.

9. WOMAN:                           Are you okay?

10. DIMITRI:                         Yeah, just getting over a hangover.

11. WOMAN:                         Party hard to celebrate the eclipse?

Panel 5. The train doors have opened and DIMITRI is walking out laughing.

12. DIMITRI:                         You don’t know the half of it.

PAGE FIVE (five panels)

Panel 1. DIMITRI walks down Division Street near PIERRE’s house. He’s basking in the sunlight.

1. ANONYMOUS:                You are a fool to travel by daylight, with no shadows to call upon should your enemies attack.          

2. DIMITRI:                           I do it just cause’ I know it pisses you off.

3. ANONYMOUS:                You do it because you are afraid to remain within your haven. You accuse others, but it is you that tortures yourself with memories of the junkie slut who left.

Panel 2. DIMITRI is still walking down the street but now he’s sullen and no longer enjoying the sun.

4. DIMITRI:                           It’s not like we even have any enemies left.

5. ANONYMOUS:                You speak blithely but you writhe with shame regarding your actions.

Panel 3. DIMITRI walks up to PIERRE’s house.

6. DIMITRI:                           Is that so?

7. ANONYMOUS:                Your guilt is misplaced. They doubted our power and our victory displayed our glory.

Panel 4. DIMITRI stand on the front porch and knocks on PIERRE’s door.

8. DIMITRI:                           Thanks for the pep talk buddy.

Panel 5.  A shot from over DIMITRI’s shoulder. PIERRE has opened the door and seems to still be in the process of recovering from his battle with the PYROMANCER. He leans heavily on his cane.

9. PIERRE:                             Dimitri.

PAGE SIX (five panels)

Panel 1. A wide shot of the entire house. The voices are emerging from the sitting room.

1. PIERRE (OFF):                  It’s very generous but I can’t accept it.

Panel 2. The sitting room, DIMITRI is sitting on the couch and in front of him on the coffee table is his backpack with cash spilling out of it. PIERRE sits in his chair with his hands on the end of his cane which he stands up directly in front of himself.

2. DIMITRI:                           On the contrary, it’s very generous and you can definitely accept it.

3. DIMITRI:                           I figured James would pitch a fit about it being a bribe but I didn’t expect you to be a problem.

4. PIERRE:                             My normal fee will suffice.

5. PIERRE:                             Why exactly do you feel the need to give me so much money?

Panel 3. The pair continue to talk across the table covered in cash.

6. DIMITRI:                           Look, you’ve done a hell of a lot to help me and Nikki recently and I just want you to know I appreciate it.

7. PIERRE:                             You’re the victim of a curse and I’m just a doctor of a sort. This is what I do.

Panel 4. A close up of DIMITRI looking out the window contemplatively. In the background out of focus PIERRE is watching him.

8. DIMITRI:                           My uncle always told when someone does something for you and your family you make sure their taken care of.

9. DIMITRI:                           Now I know that’s just a bunch of mafia honor bullshit but for some stupid reason it’s still important to me.

10. PIERRE:                           …I understand.          

Panel 5. DIMITRI begins gathering the money back up into the bag.

11. PIERRE:                           I will accept the gift and use it to finance further research into your condition. Is that acceptable to you?

12. DIMITRI:                         Spend it on whatever you like old man just so long as you take it.

PAGE SEVEN (four panels)

Panel 1. DIMITRI hands the bag of cash over to PIERRE who takes it from him.

1. PIERRE:                             Dimitri I haven’t given up on finding a way to free you from this curse and it’s important that you don’t give up either.

2. DIMITRI:                           I don’t know, but from where I’m sitting it seems like I’m well and truly fucked.

Panel 2. PIERRE sets the bag of cash down next to his seat while DIMITRI gets and looks away from him.

3. PIERRE:                             I’m fully cognizant of everything that’s happened to you over the past week. Your life has been put in danger on numerous occasions and you’ve been through the end of a major relationship.

4. PIERRE:                             You’re under a great deal of strain right now but your outlook on things won’t always be so bleak. Time will heal these wounds if you don’t give in to despair.

5. DIMITRI:                           You check out some self-help books from the library old man?

Panel 3. DIMITRI passes back and forth across the room while PIERRE sits and watches him.

6. PIERRE:                             I’m serious and it’s even more important for you to keep your mind healthy. The shadows will try and creep in through any fault lines in your will.

7. DIMITRI:                           I’ve always been good at getting out of trouble but I’m not sure how to worm my way free of this one.

8. DIMITRI:                           When I knew that Nikki was gone and I saw the sun vanish… what I felt…           

Panel 4. DIMITRI stands in front of the window but all around the corners of the room the shadows and beginning to manifest themselves.

9. DIMITRI:                           I hated. Them. Myself. Her. I just wanted take everything I felt inside and make it manifest.                                         

PAGE EIGHT (five panels)

Panel 1. PIERRE slams his cane down on the floor. DIMITRI looks around surprised and the shadows flee.

1. PIERRE:                             Dimitri!

Panel 2. DIMITRI rubs the back of his neck and looks over sheepishly at PIERRE who sits appraising him from his seat.

2. DIMITRI:                           Sorry about that old man.

3. PIERRE:                             I know it’s hard and I can only imagine what you’re going through but the shadows feed on these feelings and allowing them to seethe places you in great danger.

Panel 3. DIMITRI walks back over towards the table and they continue to converse.

4. DIMITRI:                           So, what do you recommend I do?

5. PIERRE:                             Meditate. A lot. Remove yourself from as many mundane stressors as possible. Take a vacation.

Panel 4. A close up of DIMITRI he smiles and points at PIERRE.

6. DIMITRI:                           It just so happens I had the same idea.

7. DIMITRI:                           I withdrew from school for spring term and I rented a place for a month out at a little nothing town on the coast called Depoe Bay.

8. ANONYMOUS:                Hm.

Panel 5. Dimitri helps PIERRE to stand up from his chair as they continue to talk.

9. DIMITRI:                           I’m going to sit out there read books by the ocean, smoke a shit ton of weed, and play video games.

10. PIERRE:                           And meditate.

11. DIMITRI:                         I’ll do that too. Hell, it can’t hurt, I guess.    

PAGE NINE (six panels)

Panel 1. PIERRE starts leading DIMITRI out of the room.

1. PIERRE:                             I’m glad to hear it. I believe this may be one of those times when trying to forget about your problems for a while is the best course of action.

2. ANONYMOUS:                Heh.

Panel 2. A close up of PIERRE as DIMITRI passes by him as he walks into the entrance hall.

3. PIERRE:                             If you need my help for any reason don’t hesitate to call at any time of the day or night.

4. ANONYMOUS:                Ha ha!

Panel 3. A close up of DIMITRI he has a sour expression on his face. ANNONYMOUS captions fill the panel.

5. DIMITRI:                           Hopefully that won’t be necessary.

6. ANONYMOUS:                Aha ha ha ha!

Panel 4. PIERRE and DIMITRI are standing on the porch of the house.

7. PIERRE:                             Is something wrong Dimitri?

8. DIMITRI:                           No…

Panel 5. DIMITRI starts walking off down the path away from the house. He nonchalantly gestures farewell as he goes.

9. DIMITRI:                           Had kind of a bad feeling for a second but I’m probably just being paranoid. It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.

Panel 6. A close up of PIERRE looking very concerned. He’s mumbling to himself.

10. PIERRE:                           In my experience these things are rarely nothing to worry about.

PAGE TEN (five panels)

Panel 1. It’s night. The DRUG DEALER and the SKINHEAD are walking through the grounds up to the wreckage of the BOSS’ mansion. With them are a number of other Aryan gang members. The bodies are gone but the coagulated blood and bullet holes remain.

1. DRUG DEALER:              Goddamn.  They really did a number on this place.

2. SKINHEAD:                      Yeah.

Panel 2. A view from above of the exploded kitchen. The DRUG DEALER and the SKINHEAD step through the massive hole and through into the rest of the house.       

3. DRUG DEALER:              How do you think they even managed this?

4. SKINHEAD:                      I don’t know and I don’t want to know. Can we leave now?

Panel 3. A close up of the pair. The DRUG DEALER has turned on the SKINHEAD and is scolding him. The SKINHEAD looks very nervous.

5. DRUG DEALER:              What the fuck is wrong with you?

6. SKINHEAD:                      We don’t know who did this but they killed over a dozen of our guys. What if they come back?

Panel 4. A long shot of the hallway where DIMITRI killed the CHIEF and his men. The DRUG DEALER and SKINHEAD are walking down the hall.

7. DRUG DEALER:              We know exactly who did this. Boss said he was having trouble with the Brighton Beach Bratva trying to move into the city.

8. SKINHEAD:                      What the hell is a bratva?

9. DRUG DEALER:              Some kind of Jew Russian gang apparently. A guy named Dimitri Sokolov is in charge of this one.

Panel 5.  A close up of the SKINHEAD looking at the bullet hole and blood spray from where DIMITRI executed the CHAUFER.

10. SKINHEAD:                    Russians did this? Jesus.

PAGE ELEVEN (four panels)

Panel 1. The DRUG DEALER and SKINHEAD are both looking into the empty safe and it’s from inside the safe that the reader is looking out at them.

1. DRUG DEALER:              First thing we’re doing now that I’m in charge is finding out where these rats are hiding and burn them out; send them back to New York.

2. SKINHEAD:                      You’re taking over?

Panel 2. The DRUG DEALER sweeps some of the dust and rubble off of the BOSS’ desk. The SKINHEAD just looks off out the window into the night.

3. DRUG DEALER:              Why the hell you think we’ve been running around getting all our most loyal guys to come here tonight.

4. SKINHEAD:                      Don’t we have to… you know… consult with the guys out by Pendleton?

Panel 3. A close up of the DRUG DEALER looking dismissive.

5. DRUG DEALER:              Fuck em. What did the eastern brothers ever do for us?

Panel 4. The SKINHEAD continues to look out the window while the DRUG DEALER sits in the BOSS’s old chair with his feet on the desk.

6. DRUG DEALER:              Our organization is now locally owned and operated.          

PAGE TWELVE (six panels)

Panel 1. A montage of militia men infiltrating the mansion. The silently kill several of the gang members on guard duty.

Panel 2. A montage of militia men infiltrating the mansion. The silently kill several of the gang members on guard duty.

Panel 3. A montage of militia men infiltrating the mansion. The silently kill several of the gang members on guard duty.

Panel 4. A montage of militia men infiltrating the mansion. The silently kill several of the gang members on guard duty. Possibly add more panels if desired.

Panel 5. One of the gangsters sees a militia member slitting the through of another gangster with a knife.

Panel 6. The gangster opens fire with a Mac-10 and kills the militia man.

PAGE THIRTEEN (six panels)

Panel 1. The DRUG DEALER jumps up from his chair and pulls out a switchblade. The SKINHEAD looks resigned.

1. DRUG DEALER:              What the fuck is that!?           

Panel 2. A wide shot of the gun battle raging on the mansion grounds. The militia has for the most part assumed defensive positions and are wiping out the few remaining gangsters. The militia does take a few casualties however. The DRUG DEALER is looking out the window at the scene.

Panel 3. The DRUG DEALER out the window.

2. DRUG DEALER:              Jesus Christ! They’re all over the place!

Panel 4. The DRUG DEALER and SKINHEAD take cover as the window is shot out with weapons fire.

Panel 5. The DRUG DEALER and the SKINHEAD continue to take cover however the gunfire has stopped.

Panel 6.  The DRUG DEALER peaks his head up to look out the window with his switchblade ready.

3. DRUG DEALER:              Think they took off?

4. BROTHER (OFF):             I’m afraid not.

PAGE FOURTEEN (six panels)

Panel 1. The BROTHER strides into the room by himself. A shot from below to make him look imposing. The DRUG DEALER holds his weapon up defensively.

1. DRUG DEALER:              Who the fuck are you?

2. BROTHER:                        I am the leader of the cause you pledged your life to.

Panel 2. A close up of the hand holding the knife. It’s shaking.

3. DRUG DEALER (OFF):    You’re the boss’ brother?

4. BROTHER (OFF):             I understand you’ve been trying to take over the Brotherhood here in the city.

Panel 3. The DRUG DEALER drops the knife.

5. DRUG DEALER:              Once things were settled here; I was going to reach out to you-

6. BROTHER:                        Save it. I’ve already heard enough.

Panel 4. The DRUG DEALER looks over surprised as the SKINHEAD shakes his head sadly and turns off his phone which had been open on a call to the BROTHER.

7. SKINHEAD:                      I’m sorry. They were going to come down here eventually. If you weren’t going to contact them then I had to.

Panel 5. The DRUG DEALER is panicked and falls to his knees in front of the BROTHER.

8. DRUG DEALER:              It was a mistake I swear I can help you.

9. DRUG DEALER:              I know who killed your brother!

Panel 6. A close up of the DRUG DEALER’s hand picking up his knife.

10. BROTHER (OFF):           But you’ve already told us who killed my brother.

11. BROTHER (OFF):           So, I guess we actually don’t have a use for you.

PAGE FIFTEEN (seven panels)

Panel 1. The DRUG DEALER lunges forward with his knife towards the BROTHER while the SKINHEAD looks on frightened. The BROTHER watches him stoically.

1.  DRUG DEALER:             Fuck you, old cocksucker!

Panel 2. The BROTHER effortless evades the blow.

Panel 3. The BROTHER breaks the DRUG DEALER’s arm and sends him to the ground.

Panel 4. The BROTHER mounts the DRUG DEALER and puts his thumbs over his eyes.

2. DRUG DEALER:              No! I’m sorry!

Panel 5. A wide shot of the room. The SKINHEAD looks on sickened and afraid as the BROTHER plunges his thumbs into the DRUG DEALER’s skull.

3. DRUG DEALER:              Please I didn’t mean to-

4. DRUG DEALER:              AUGH!

5. SKINHEAD:                      …Jesus Christ.

Panel 6. The BROTHER slows stands up with his back to the viewer while the SKINHEAD throws up into a nearby trashcan. The DRUG DEALER lies in a pool of blood emerging from his mangled face.

6. BROTHER:                        Pull yourself together brother.

7. BROTHER:                        The cause here in Portland has allowed itself to grow weak.

Panel 7. The BROTHER walks towards the viewer while his hands drip with blood.

8. BROTHER:                        But no more.

PAGE SIXTEEN (five panels)

Panel 1. A close shot of the DRUG DEALER’s mutilated face over the shoulder of a woman in a weathered coat. She is examining the eye holes with the end of a pen.

1. ROSA:                                Ew.

Panel 2. ROSA, a short but very fit Hispanic woman in her late thirties to early forties, is in the BOSS’ mansion. It’s day and the police are spread all over the place sealing off the crime scene. Bodies of a few militia and many gangsters are spread out everywhere after the fight. She is investigating the body of the DRUG DEALER and taking to herself while a uniformed police officer, JULIA stands nearby.

2. ROSA:                                I was just transferred to narcotics out of homicide yesterday.

3. JULIA:                                Hell of a first day.

Panel 3. ROSA and JULIA are walking out of the office stepping over the remains as they do so.

4. ROSA:                                Have you seen Lieutenant Stallworth?

5. JULIA:                                He was looking around the kitchen last I saw him.

Panel 4. A wide shot of the blown-out wall from outside. JAMES stands where the stove once was looking up at the sky.

6. JAMES:                              I don’t believe in magic. I don’t believe in magic.

7. ROSA (OFF):                     James!

Panel 5. In the kitchen JAMES looks over his shoulder at ROSA who’s entering the room.

8. JAMES:                              Rosa! Heard a rumor you’re my new partner.

9. ROSA:                                That’s right. So, try not to screw up and make me look bad. Some of us are still trying to earn our lieutenant’s stripes.

10. ROSA:                              Congratulations on the promotion by the way.

PAGE SEVENTEEN (five panels)

Panel 1. ROSA walks up to JAMES and just seems to notice the massive hole in the wall and ceiling which shocks her. JAMES is bemused by her surprise.

1. ROSA:                                Jesus Christ, what did this?

2. JAMES:                              You came in through the front I take it.

3. JAMES:                              CSI says gas leak.

4. JAMES:                              They’ve found a freaking ton of accelerants around the place. I guess someone was a bit of a firebug.

Panel 2. JAMES and ROSA walk out through the hole into the yard which is covered in bodies.

5. ROSA:                                This was done in the original firefight, right? Not last night?

6. JAMES:                              Pretty much all the major destruction was already here, these guys just added a few more bullet holes.

7. ROSA:                                I skimmed the report but I didn’t really have a lot of time.

Panel 3. JAMES and ROSA cross the field of bodies still talking.

8. JAMES:                              Basically, this place belonged to a drug supplier associated with the skinhead, white supremacist crowd.

9. JAMES:                              We’re still not sure who did it, but someone with a hell of a lot of firepower took this place apart a few days- or I guess maybe it was a couple weeks ago now.

10. JAMES:                            The level of ordinance suggests that it was some kind of paramilitary organization.

Panel 4. ROSA kneels and examines a dead militia member. JAMES stands nearby and watches.

11. ROSA:                              These guys look paramilitary. Probably the same group.

12. JAMES:                            We’re running ID checks through the computer to see if we can find out who we’re dealing with.

13. ROSA:                              Why didn’t you ID the bodies of the attackers in the report on the original shootout?

Panel 5. A close up of ROSA looking surprised.

14. JAMES (OFF):                 There were no attacker’s bodies after the first attack.

15. ROSA:                              They killed over a dozen people and took this place apart without a single casualty?

16. JAMES (OFF):                 That or they took their dead out with them.

PAGE EIGHTEEN (four panels)

Panel 1. ROSA stands up and brushes herself off.

1. ROSA:                                Things aren’t adding up.

2. ROSA:                                A militia group sends in SEAL team fucking 6 during the eclipse leaving no bodies or witnesses.  Then they send in the B-squad to do the same job, to the same people, in the same place, but less competently a week later?

Panel 2. ROSA and JAMES continue to walk towards the front gate of the mansion.

3. JAMES:                              Police work doesn’t always make sense.

4. JAMES:                              This isn’t Perry Mason; sometimes we don’t solve every mystery. You can only do the best job you’re able.

5. ROSA:                                I suppose…

Panel 3. JAMES stops and turns to look directly at ROSA.

6. JAMES:                              You’re thinking something. If we’re going to be partners then just speak your mind.

7. ROSA:                                I don’t want to speak ill of the dead…

8. ROSA:                                But it was a rumor going around that your last partner Max always had money to spend.

Panel 4. JAMES looks annoyed and ROSA is embarrassed and a little nervous.

9. JAMES:                              You’re asking if my partner and best friend was dirty?

10. ROSA:                              I’m going back to the office to reread those reports but I’m asking if maybe you know something about this case that’s not in those reports. 

PAGE NINETEEN (six panels)

Panel 1. JAMES closes his eyes as he thinks of DIMITRI and chuckles exasperatedly to himself.

Panel 2. A close up of JAMES face. He’s looking serious again.

1. JAMES:                              No. I don’t.

Panel 3. A close up of ROSA smiling conciliatorily.

2. ROSA:                                Good to know. I’ll cross it off my list.

Panel 4. JAMES and ROSA approach the gate leading outside of the estate. Several cop cars with the lights on are outside and a uniformed officer is there to make sure no one sneaks in.

3. ROSA:                                Well then what’s our next step?

4. JAMES:                              Talk to our informants and keep an eye on anyone with known ties to white supremacist organizations.

5. JAMES:                              Maybe we’ll double check on anyone who has have been in the clink and make sure those good old boys are obeying their parole stipulations.

Panel 5. ROSA and JAMES stand beside a car and prepare to get inside.

6. ROSA:                                One thing’s for sure. If this is the start of a hostile takeover…

Panel 6. A wide shot of a place in the yard where the cops have been lining up body bags.

7. ROSA (caption):                 …It sure as hell won’t be subtle.

PAGE TWENTY (five panels)

Panel 1. A wide shot of the Oregon State Penitentiary in Salem.

1. C.O. (CAPTION):              Jeff! You got a visitor.

2. JEFF (CAPTION):             Tell my lawyer to fuck off. He hasn’t done anything for me so far.

Panel 2. JEFF is sitting on a bunk reading a book in prison attire with his leg in a brace. A CORRECTIONS OFFICER is talking to him from the door to his cell. The guard is chewing gum and smiling as smugly as possible.

3. C.O.:                                   It’s not your lawyer. I told you it’s a visitor.

4. JEFF:                                   Who the fuck wants to visit me?

Panel 3. A shot of the prison yard from overhead. A number of prisoners are on their exercise time.

5. C.O. (CAPTION):              I have no idea but why don’t you get off your ass and find out.

Panel 4. A completely top down view of JEFF being escorted by the C.O. down a path outside to another building in the prison complex.

6. JUSTIN (CAPTION):         Jeffery Kline?

7. JEFF (CAPTION):             Who the hell are you?

Panel 5. A close up of a sign reading ‘visiting area’.

8. JUSTIN (CAPTION):         My name is Justin I’m a reporter with the Oregonian.

9. JEFF (CAPTION):             A journalist… I see.

PAGE TWENTY-ONE (six panels)

Panel 1. A view straight on of JEFF in his prison uniform sitting in a chair. He’s looking down at his hands folded in his lap.

1. JEFF:                                   Well if you’re here for some kind of expose, the cops didn’t plant any evidence and I absolutely shot those people.    

2. JEFF:                                   Also, it sucks being in prison but I’m not actually being mistreated in anyway.

Panel 2. The same shot as the previous panel but JEFF has looked up, he is smiling and is gesturing.

3. JEFF:                                   I mean the food could be better-

4. JUSTIN (OFF):                   I’d like to talk to you about what exactly happened at those shootings.

Panel 3. The same shot. Now his arms are crossed and he is frowning

5. JEFF:                                   I have nothing to say about that.

6. JUSTIN (OFF):                   Why is that?

Panel 4. JEFF is gesturing angrily and shouting.

7. JEFF:                                   I ain’t no fucking rat!

Panel 5. JEFF is chuckling to himself and shrugging

8. JEFF:                                   Ah, who am I kidding?

Panel 6. JEFF has slumped down in defeat.

9. JEFF:                                   I’m doing you a favor buddy. You don’t want to know what I know.

PAGE TWENTY-TWO (one panels)

Panel 1. A large splash page of the mysterious man from the end of issue 6. He’s now talking on the other end of the call to JEFF.

1. JUSTIN:                              You might be surprised.